Our research is motivated by how light interacts with matter on the nanoscale. As its name “Nanoengineered Photonics Lab” suggests the main research direction in our group focuses on taking advantage of efficient light-matter interactions for applications in novel nanoscale devices and sensors. Towards that end, my group explores integrating nanoelectronic and nanomechanical effects with nanophotonic devices to achieve hybrid devices with new functionality. We also investigate unique optical properties of graphene and emerging two-dimensional direct bandgap semiconductor materials for novel sensors and devices.
Selected Publications:
1)Transparent and flexible low noise graphene electrodes for simultaneous electrophysiology and neuroimaging
D. Kuzum, H. Takano, E. Shim, J. C. Reed, H. Juul, A. G. Richardson, J. de Vries, H. Bink,
M. A. Dichter, T. H. Lucas, D. A. Coulter, E. Cubukcu, and B. Litt
Nature Communications, 5, 5259, (2014). [pdf]
2)Optoelectromechanical Multimodal Biosensor with Graphene Active Region
A. Y. Zhu, F. Yi, J. C. Reed, H. Zhu, and E. Cubukcu*
Nano Letters, 14, 5641, (2014). [pdf]
3)Tunable omnidirectional strong light-matter interactions mediated by graphene surface plasmons
F. Liu and E. Cubukcu*
Physical Review B, 88, 115439 (2013). [pdf]
4)Plasmonically Enhanced Thermomechanical Detection of Infrared Radiation
F. Yi, H. Zhu, J. C Reed and E. Cubukcu*
Nano Letters, 13, 1638 (2013). [pdf]
5)Graphene-enabled silver nanoantenna sensors
J. C. Reed, H. Zhu, A. Y. Zhu, C. Li, and E. Cubukcu
Nano Letters, 12, 4090 (2012). [pdf]
6)Split ring resonator sensors for infrared detection of single molecular monolayers
E. Cubukcu, S. Zhang, Y-S. Park, G. Bartal, and X. Zhang,
Applied Physics Letters, 95, 043113 (2009). [ pdf ]
7)Aligned-Carbon-Nanotubes as Polarization Sensitive Molecular Near-field Detectors
E. Cubukcu, F. Degirmenci, C. Kocabas, M. A. Zimmler, J. A. Rogers, and F. Capasso,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 8 (2009). [ pdf ]
8)Photonic crystals as negative refractive materials
E. Cubukcu, K. Aydin, S. Foteinopoulou, C. M. Soukoulis, and E. Ozbay,
Nature, 423, 604 (2003). [ pdf ]
9)Raman injection laser
M. Troccoli, A. Belyanin, F. Capasso, E. Cubukcu, D. L. Sivco, and A. Y. Cho,
Nature, 433, 845 (2005). [ pdf ]
Contact information: Prof. Ertugrul Cubukcu
401 LRSM, 3231 Walnut St , University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6272
Email: ecubukcu@ucsd.edu Phone: (215) 898-7975